Wednesday, June 27, 2012

To her own tune

There is a woman
Dressed to the nines
Or what she would consider tens
And maybe others zero
With pinks and blues
And bright, bright greens
And hues that women her age 
"Should not wear."
With bright taffeta flower in her hair
And headphones always in her ears
Or on the days she totes the cart
To Pathmark,
It bears a small pink boombox
Blasting funk and soul loud enough
For her to hear, but not to bother
Those she passes, who, inevitably
Stare with curiosity or, usually,
Looks of disgust
Through dark eyes that match
Dark clothes
And darker souls.
And when she passes, it's not
A walk so much as a
Bop, and groove, as,
Keeping time to her own heart
She always smiles;
Always knows that others' looks
Don't matter, and further, what 
Others think of her own looks
Matters less still.
I wait for her sometimes
While sitting in my window
When I'm blue
To see her wearing and listening to
Similar blues, but so vastly different
To inspire my own to realize its potential
To be brighter,
And conceived anew.

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